
Our publications

Enseigner la santé planétaire dans le curriculum médical prégradué en Suisse, 2022 in Revue Médicale Suisse

Pour un système de santé durable, présentation du Planetary Health Report Card, Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 2023

Les écocompétences pour une pratique de soins durable en cabinet, Revue Médicale Suisse, 2023

Essential reports

Eat Lancet Commission Summary Report, Are you an expert on the powers of healthy and sustainable eating? This report, from a commission of experts from around the world, determines the rules of a diet that would be the most beneficial for health and the planet, while making it possible to feed 9 billion human beings in 2050. And with lots of tempting images and recipes!

Lancet Countdown 2024 Report, This annual report monitors the evolution of 41 indicators on the impacts of climate change on health, the progress of public and political actions and the adaptation of health systems to these challenges.