The PHRC is a student-driven metric-based tool that aims to evaluate health professional schools in different areas.
Over 1000 students at 151 schools in 18 different countries participated this year and their reports outline the best (and worst) practices in planetary health education.
Switzerland is part of it for the second year, with all 8 medical faculties represented : Geneva, Lausanne, Fribourg, Basel, Bern, Zuriche ETH, Zurich UZH and Lugano !
You can read the full summary report at but here are some local highlights:
– Basel wins this year with the biggest improvement of +10%, congratulations to them !
– With really active students groups, Geneva, Bern and Zurich UZH have a remarkable progression of respectively +9%, +8% and +6%. Overall, 50% of schools improved their previous score, evidence of a changing planetary health education landscape.
– Lausanne, who has last year winner, record a (great) similar score as last year of 56%. Fribourg also obtains a similar note of 37%.
– For their first participation, ETH Zurich has nothing to be ashamed with a score of 42% and 5th place. Lugano has still some progress to do, taking final place with a score of 32%, but we hope to see the enhancements next year in the PHRC !

Thanks to all students and active members from medical faculties that took part in this year’s report : we are looking forward to repeat the experience next year. Meanwhile, let’s go back to work for planetary health.